Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)

Leibniz ScienceCampus
Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)

Call for Applications: EEGA@interaction: Thematic Workshops and Conferences

Deadline for submissions: 1 June 2018

Start of funding: ongoing

The Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA:
The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) is committed to developing new research perspectives on Eastern Europe, engaging in knowledge exchange activities on the region with stakeholders, and promoting young researchers. It follows the idea that the multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted examination of processes of globalisation are a key for a better understanding of actual societal developments. The focus is on Eastern Europe’s diverse, tension-filled, and sometimes paradoxical globalisation projects “from within” and “from the outside”, and thus, on the self-positioning of Eastern European societies under the global condition.

The EEGA brings together interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise from researchers affiliated with both universities and research institutes in the Leipzig-Jena-Halle science region. Together with partners from the region, the EEGA explores the fields of migration and mobilities; business strategies and political economies; cultural and intellectual perspectives and identities; and political integration in a changing global arena. Overcoming prejudices and clichés, some of which are rooted in the era of the Cold War, and promoting an informed understanding of Eastern Europe in its diverse traditions and positions, developments and (internal) dynamics, are the primary mission.

Research Areas:
The EEGA focuses on five Research Areas:
- Research Area 1: Mobilities and Migration Regimes in Eastern Europe
(Coordination: Judith Miggelbrink and Helena Flam)
- Research Area 2: The Self-Positioning of Eastern Europe in a New World Order In-The-Making (Coordination: Frank Hadler and Matthias Middell)
- Research Area 3: Business Strategies and Frameworks of Political Economies
(Coordination: Sebastian Henn, Thomas Glauben and Thorsten Posselt)
 - Research Area 4: Cultural and Intellectual Perspectives and Identifications
(Coordination: Jürgen Heyde, Yvonne Kleinmann and Stefan Troebst)
- Research Area 5: Eastern Europe in Times of Europeanisation
(Coordination: Gert Pickel and Holger Lengfeld)

The ScienceCampus EEGA offers open-rank and cross-institutional activities that create an efficient platform for excellent multi-disciplinary cooperation. Part of these collaborative activities are thematic workshops and conferences organised by and for Postdocs.
EEGA invites for proposals for thematic workshops and conferences, including thematic writing retreats and discussion fora. Applications must be related institutionally to one of the EEGA partner institutions (directly or through existing cooperations) and topically to the research focus of one or more research areas. Preparatory contact with the respective research area coordinators is advised. Workshops can take place in Germany or in Eastern Europe in a wider sense. The events may vary in group sizes, though should not have less than 5 participants or more than 25. Generally, a workshop, conference or writing retreat should not exceed 3 days. Start of funding is possible beginning with October 2018.

The support offered by EEGA can have the form of either full funding of costs for travel, accommodation, honoraria, catering, equipment and room rent for the workshop, or partial subsidies for events that have secured funding elsewhere but require smaller financial supplements, e.g. for the invitation of guests or prominent guest speakers. The coordination of the ScienceCampus can assist with general administrational and organisational support, for example in identifying guest speakers and moderators, cooperation partners, venues and main target audiences for the event. The applicant(s) as main organiser(s) are responsible for actual invitations, consultations with guest speakers, calls for papers and bookings and arrangements for travel, accommodation and catering. All payments will be made by the EEGA (via the Leibniz-Institute for Regional Geography Leipzig) directly.

The scholar(s) organising the thematic workshop, writing retreat or discussion forum are firstly asked to mention and display the Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA as supporter of the workshop on conference materials and in announcements. Secondly, the organiser(s) are obliged to inform the EEGA coordination about changes in the outset of the event. Thirdly, the financial support by EEGA may be used only for measures and purposes that are stated in the application and that have been acknowledged by the EEGA coordination. Fourthly the organiser(s) commit to publishing a summary of the workshop in the EEGA@connections series of the online journal “Connections – A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists” (http://www.connections.clio-online.net/). The summary shall have the form of a working paper with contributions by workshop participants (about 2.500 – 10.000 words, depending on dimensions of the workshop and EEGA support). The editorial board of the journal will provide advice regarding layout, scope and quality of the working paper. Finally, the event should be open for junior and senior scholars of EEGA member institutions.

Applications must include:
1. EEGA Application Form
2. CVs (of main organisers)
3. Calculation of expected costs
Please submit your application as one PDF (max. 18 pages, 10 MB) to leibniz-eega@ifl-leipzig.de and consider the notes for the specific funding measures the EEGA provides.

Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)
c/o Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography
Schongauerstraße 9, 04328 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 60055-266; Fax +49 341 60055-198
Coordination: Lena Dallywater, Melanie Mienert
Spokespersons of the Steering Committee: Prof Dr Sebastian Lentz, Prof Dr Matthias Middell


Leibniz ScienceCampus
Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)

Call for Applications: EEGA@future: Postdoc Grants for Preparation of Funding Applications

Deadline for submissions: 1 June 2018

Start of funding: starting from 1 January 2019

Funding period: min. 1 month to max. 6 months

The Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA:
The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) is committed to developing new research perspectives on Eastern Europe, engaging in knowledge exchange activities on the region with stakeholders, and promoting young researchers. It follows the idea that the multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted examination of processes of globalisation are a key for a better understanding of actual societal developments. The focus is on Eastern Europe’s diverse, tension-filled, and sometimes paradoxical globalisation projects “from within” and “from the outside”, and thus, on the self-positioning of Eastern European societies under the global condition.

The EEGA brings together interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise from researchers affiliated with both universities and research institutes in the Leipzig-Jena-Halle science region. Together with partners from the region, the EEGA explores the fields of migration and mobilities; business strategies and political economies; cultural and intellectual perspectives and identities; and political integration in a changing global arena. Overcoming prejudices and clichés, some of which are rooted in the era of the Cold War, and promoting an informed understanding of Eastern Europe in its diverse traditions and positions, developments and (internal) dynamics, are the primary mission.

Research Areas:
The EEGA focuses on five Research Areas:
• Research Area 1: Mobilities and Migration Regimes in Eastern Europe
(Coordination: Judith Miggelbrink and Helena Flam)
• Research Area 2: The Self-Positioning of Eastern Europe in a New World Order In-The-Making (Coordination: Frank Hadler and Matthias Middell)
• Research Area 3: Business Strategies and Frameworks of Political Economies
(Coordination: Sebastian Henn, Thomas Glauben and Thorsten Posselt)
• Research Area 4: Cultural and Intellectual Perspectives and Identifications
(Coordination: Jürgen Heyde, Yvonne Kleinmann and Stefan Troebst)
• Research Area 5: Eastern Europe in Times of Europeanisation
(Coordination: Gert Pickel and Holger Lengfeld)

We invite for applications for a research/coaching period with the ScienceCampus EEGA in Leipzig, Halle or Jena. The stay may serve the preparation of an application for more extended funding by a national or international science foundation active in the field. The stay at EEGA (Leipzig, Halle, Jena) includes individual coaching by experienced senior researchers and group sessions on intellectual, administrative, organizational and time-specific aspects of writing convincing funding applications and project proposals for submission at third party funding institutions. Applications must be related institutionally to one of the EEGA partner institutions (directly or through existing cooperations) and topically to the research focus of one or more research areas. Preparatory contact with the respective research area coordinators is advised. As EEGA is devoted to interdisciplinary approaches, applications which connect more than one member institution of the ScienceCampus are highly welcome. The support of visits for the execution of individual research projects unrelated to EEGA activities is not foreseen.
The duration of the stay relates to the scope and type of the application envisaged. It may not exceed 6 months. Start of funding is possible between 1 January 2019 and 1 April 2019.

Scholarship holders are asked to conceptualize, write and finalize a funding application for submission at a national or international science foundation active in the field. Successful applicants commit themselves to publish first results of the research done at EEGA in the Campus’ online journal or in form of a working paper (about 3000 words). EEGA disseminates collaborative research results into academia by open access publications and into the public by organising public events and employing social media. For this dissemination the EEGA closely cooperates with the e-journal “Connections” (http://www.connections.clio-online.net/) in mutually profiting collaboration. The ScienceCampus EEGA publishes about two to three “EEGA@connections” issues every year and has its own column “EEGA in dialogue” on the “Connections” website. Single articles by EEGA Postdoc Fellows shall feature both the discussion of a current state of research as well as the depiction of the specific topic the researcher is currently working on. Scientific interview in the column “EEGA in dialogue” are supposed to give a brief overview of the state of research followed by insights into the research project of the author. The journal’s editors in cooperation with the Steering Committee of the Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA decide upon the acceptance of submissions for publication and organise the peer-review process.

Postdoc Fellows are kindly invited to present their research focus/project at internal colloquia of the partner institution(s) or at EEGA main events. In case of a successful application approved by a science foundation, the respective research project should be pursued in cooperation with the EEGA member institutions and EEGA activities. Residency in the Leipzig-Halle-Jena region during the stay at EEGA is binding.

The Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA supports successful applicants substantially in form of coaching sessions and workshops as well as financially in form of individual scholarships (based on the current rates for research fellowships of the German Research Foundation (DFG)). Rates are defined individually, related to origin and employment situation of the scholarship holder, as well as the duration of the stay in Leipzig, Halle or Jena. Fellowships are intended to cover the recipients’ costs
of living in the Leipzig-Jena-Halle science region and may not be used to supplement grants from other funding organizations or income from employment.

Applications must include:
1. EEGA Application Form
2. CV (incl. Publication List)
3. Discussion of potential funding institutions for the envisaged research project (100 – 300 words)
Please submit your application as one PDF (max. 18 pages, 10 MB) to leibniz-eega@ifl-leipzig.de and consider the notes for the specific funding measures the EEGA provides.

Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)
c/o Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography
Schongauerstraße 9, 04328 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 60055-266; Fax +49 341 60055-198
Coordination: Lena Dallywater, Melanie Mienert
Spokespersons of the Steering Committee: Prof Dr Sebastian Lentz, Prof Dr Matthias Middell

Leibniz ScienceCampus
Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)

Call for Applications: EEGA@future: Postgraduate-Grants

Deadline for submissions: 1 June 2018

Start of funding: 1 October 2018

Funding period: 3 months

The Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA:
The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) is committed to developing new research perspectives on Eastern Europe, engaging in knowledge exchange activities on the region with stakeholders, and promoting young researchers. It follows the idea that the multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted examination of processes of globalisation are a key for a better understanding of actual societal developments. The focus is on Eastern Europe’s diverse, tension-filled, and sometimes paradoxical globalisation projects “from within” and “from the outside”, and thus, on the self-positioning of Eastern European societies under the global condition.
The EEGA brings together interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise from researchers affiliated with both universities and research institutes in the Leipzig-Jena-Halle science region. Together with partners from the region, the EEGA explores the fields of migration and mobilities; business strategies and political economies; cultural and intellectual perspectives and identities; and political integration in a changing global arena. Overcoming prejudices and clichés, some of which are rooted in the era of the Cold War, and promoting an informed understanding of Eastern Europe in its diverse traditions and positions, developments and (internal) dynamics, are the primary mission.

Research Areas:
The EEGA focuses on five Research Areas:
• Research Area 1: Mobilities and Migration Regimes in Eastern Europe
(Coordination: Judith Miggelbrink and Helena Flam)
• Research Area 2: The Self-Positioning of Eastern Europe in a New World Order In-The-Making (Coordination: Frank Hadler and Matthias Middell)
• Research Area 3: Business Strategies and Frameworks of Political Economies
(Coordination: Sebastian Henn, Thomas Glauben and Thorsten Posselt)
• Research Area 4: Cultural and Intellectual Perspectives and Identifications
(Coordination: Jürgen Heyde, Yvonne Kleinmann and Stefan Troebst)
• Research Area 5: Eastern Europe in Times of Europeanisation
(Coordination: Gert Pickel and Holger Lengfeld)

The ScienceCampus EEGA invites for applications by talented Postgraduate students who are intending to develop a PhD proposal in the field of research of the EEGA, i. e. Eastern European Studies, European Studies, Global and Area Studies, and the disciplines involved in the ScienceCampus. The EEGA will provide both financial as well as topical support to scholarship holders. The EEGA facilitates access to existing infrastructures at the member institutions of the EEGA. Scholarship holders get the opportunity to participate in existing PhD- and institutional colloquia and other events of participating institutes The ScienceCampus also offers additional training measures and services to the scholarship holders. They will get the chance to receive specific counselling from EEGA PostDocs, individual consultation with research area coordinators in the EEGA, training sessions organised by EEGA, and financial support of participation in existing courses at other universities or research institutions in Germany.

Eligible for Postgraduate-Grants are MA students from Germany, foreign Postgraduate students who are currently situated in Germany and Postgraduate students from institutions in other countries that are related to the members of the EEGA through cooperation agreements. Main criterion for selection is the compatibility of the Postgraduate student’s research interest with the focus and aims of the EEGA. Eligible are Postgraduate students only. Generally, the submission of the MA thesis should not date back longer than 12 months.
Applications should be related to the research focus of one or more research areas of the EEGA.

The ScienceCampus EEGA’s programme for Postgraduate students starts every October and comprises different coaching sessions centred on “How to write a PhD proposal”. An introductory session will be followed by training sessions, e. g. on methods, by selected research area coordinators.
Participation in the trainings, lectures and seminars organised by the ScienceCampus is obligatory. Additional offers can be chosen voluntarily.
The Postgraduate scholarship holders commit to handing in a first draft of the PhD proposal after 6 weeks, including a time line and work plan. It shall have a length of ca. 1.000 words. After 12 weeks a full proposal of ca. 3.000 words has to be submitted to the EEGA coordination and one of the research area coordinators for review.

To support scholarship holders during the period of intense proposal writing, the EEGA awards individual scholarships of 750 Euros per month for 3 months of funding. The coaching programme starts on 1 October 2018 and ends on 31 December 2018. Extensions are not foreseen.
By no later than 4 weeks in advance of the scholarship a formal scholarship agreement will be signed by the spokespersons of the ScienceCampus EEGA and the scholarship holder. Failure to submit the first draft of the PhD proposal will lead to the discontinuation of the scholarship. Repayments will be claimed.

Applications must include:
1. EEGA Application Form
2. CV
3. Abstract (250 – 500 words), field of research and 5 keywords describing the intended PhD project
4. Letter of reference
Please submit your application as one PDF (max. 18 pages, 10 MB) to leibniz-eega@ifl-leipzig.de and consider the notes for the specific funding measures the EEGA provides.

Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)
c/o Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography
Schongauerstraße 9, 04328 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 60055-266; Fax +49 341 60055-198
Coordination: Lena Dallywater, Melanie Mienert
Spokespersons of the Steering Committee: Prof Dr Sebastian Lentz, Prof Dr Matthias Middell